As many of you know, Caroline, The Whimsical Pineapple, and I work full time so we only have time for a proper photo shoot a couple weekends out of each month. It’s a total struggle to find time but we’ve worked it out so we shoot at least once a month… and fast. It’s the only way we can keep up with content. Here are some tips that we’ve learned over the past year to help you out when it comes to figuring out how to take blog photos fast.
- PLAN, PLAN, PLAN! Plan outfits ahead of time, including accessories so you can change seamlessly.
- PICTURE TAKING BEGINS BEFORE SHOOT DAY. Lay your outfits out the night before and take pictures on your phone to remember which accessories accent your outfit. Trust us, you’ll totally forget once you’re in a hot car changing clothes. ANOTHER OPTION is hang the accessories for each outfit on the hanger. We find that putting earrings or sunglasses in Ziploc bags and pushing the Ziploc through the hook of the hanger helps also.
- LAUNDRY BASKET. We pile all of our purses, shoes, and hats into a basket and as soon as we are finished shooting the item, they go right back into the basket to stay organized.
- PRACTICE. The more often you take photos, the more comfortable you will be in front of the camera. This will allow you to get the shot faster since you’ll have a better idea of how you want to pose. You will also feel more confident and not overthink it.
- POSING. We struggle to switch up our poses, but a “pose” album on your phone, Pinterest board, or saved album on Instagram can help step up your game.
- KNOW YOUR PHOTOGRAPHER. Being comfortable with your photographer is a total game changer. Our best advice is to begin with more relaxed shoots with friends posing with you. If you don’t feel comfortable with the photographer, your expression will come across as uptight and a forced smile will result.
- LAUGH. Laughing relieves stress so if you’re totally uptight, just fake a giggle and soon you’ll really be giggling.
- MUSIC. Play your favorite pump up tunes and work that camera.
- CONFIDENCE. Fake your confidence. Only positive self talk should be happening during the shoot (and always) – this is the time to fake it til you make it. Turn on blinders to passersby and totally forget they are around. Try to stay in the zone and ignore everyone else. This is your job, act like a pro!
- CHANGING CLOTHES. I’m not sure what other bloggers do but we change in my car. I’m lucky enough to have an SUV with a pretty large trunk so we pile our stuff in the trunk, Ashlen changes in the back seat and I, in the front. We usually roll towels up in the windows so no one can see in and that works well for us. I keep my car running so it stays cold during the summer and warm during the winter.
VODKA IS YOUR BEST FRIEND. Kind of kidding, kind of not. Caroline and I both have always felt much more comfortable behind the camera and hate any sort of attention. On more than one occasion, we’ve had a drink before shooting with one another. It loosens us up and makes our photoshoots a lot more fun!
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Ashlen & Caroline
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